He received his dental degree from the Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1988.
Graduate of CDEP New York University College of Dentistry New York, USA – Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation.
Dozens of presentations at numerous conferences.
First prize with distinction for the best scientific presentation in the 1st Panpeloponnese Conference.
Member of the International Team for Implantology.
Restoration-guided implant rehabilitation of the complex partial edentulism: a clinical report, Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial research, Vol.1 (1), 1-8.
Tzerbos, F., Sykaras, K., & Tzoras, V. (2010).
Read the article.
Report on gastroesophageal reflux disease in the book ‘Clinical examination of the digestive system’, M. Tzivras, Pashalidis Publications, pp. 28.
See the report.
A method to facilitate the modification of natural teeth which are competitors in a full denture.
TZORA V. – 1st Panpeloponnese Conference, Conference Centre, University of Patras, 22-24 September 2000.
Diagnosis and treatment of endoperiodontic lesion-Case study.
TZORA V. – 1st Panpeloponnese Conference, Conference Centre, University of Patras, 22-24 September 2000.
Case study of five variable morphology root canalsat the maxillary first molar.
TZORA V. – 1st Panpeloponnese Conference, Conference Centre, University of Patras, 22-24 September 2000.
Modification of natural teeth that are opposed in a full denture to achieve balanced occlusion.
TZORA V. – 21st National Dental Conference, Conference Center “I. Vellidis”, HELEXPO, Thessaloniki 25-27 October 2001.
Endodontic treatment of teeth with an incomplete root apex- Case Study
TZORA V. – 21st National Dental Conference, Conference Center “I. Vellidis”, HELEXPO, Thessaloniki 25-27 October 2001.
Aesthetic restoration of discolored central incisor with the method of internal and external bleaching.
TZORA V. – Ancient Olympia Conference Centre IOA 7-8 September 2002.
Dental treatment in patients on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy.
Andresakis DD, Antoniades A., TZORA V. – 4th Piraikos Medical Conference 2-4 December 2004.
Diagnostic and treatment approach to odontogenic inflammations. Andresakis DD, . Antoniades A., TZORA V. – 4th Piraikos Medical Conference 2-4 December 2004.
Apical formation of pulpless teeth with immature roots
TZORA V., Andresakis D., Antoniades A. – 35th Panhellenic Pedodontics Conference Ioannina 5-7 May 2005.
A method for the direct fabrication of complex cast post and cores for teeth with divergent roots,
TZORA V. – 7th Panpeloponnese Conference, Conference Centre, University of Patras, 17-19 February 2006.
Implants: The giant step for the general dentist
Moderator: F.Tzermpos Opening speakers: Ch.Asikis, A.Marakis, K. Papaioannou, N. Sykaras, I. Tzenakis, V. TZORA, S. Tobros
8th Panpeloponnese Conference, Kalamata 2007 ROUND TABLE
Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with excessive gingival show: A surgical and prosthetic approach.
TZORA V. – 30th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Athens Concert Hall, Athens 22-24 October 2010.
Effects of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and dental treatment: A clinical report.
TZORA V. – 30th Panhellenic Dental Conference, Athens Concert Hall Athens 22-24 October 2010.
Questioning about the diagnostic and treatment approach to complex cases.
TZORA V. – 13th Panpeloponnese Dental Conference, University of Sparta 22-24 June 2012.