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Repairing an extensively damaged stomatognathic system

By occlusion we mean the manner in which the upper and lower teeth “fit” when our jaws are closed. An ideal occlusion allows us to have correct facial proportions, better chewing, better articulation and better health.

Case 3

Case 5

Abnormalities in teeth occlusion not only create functional problems, but also seriously affect the aesthetics of the face, making the individual feel bad about their appearance, leading to low self-esteem.

In cases of major tooth damage or multiple teeth loss, extensive damage of the stomatognathic system occurs on both the horizontal and vertical plane. A lack of posterior support for the face, because of multiple extractions of back teeth can lead to a reduced vertical dimension in the face, erosion, teeth abrasion or even protrusion of the front teeth.

In patients with extensive damage, it is necessary that restoration is carried out in such a way that the treatment site ensures the harmonious coexistence of muscles of the stomatognathic system. In such cases, occlusal splints are needed prior to treatment to diagnose the position of the lower jaw. Then the teeth are arranged in a new topography with the help of a specific standard model and the use of diagnostic waxing. Transitional restorations are manufactured and evaluated for functionality and aesthetics. Finally, an exact copy of the transitional restoration is made by the laboratory, resulting in a permanent porcelain restoration.

Treatments – Restorations

Our clinic has provided a large number of treatments involving severe and extensive restorations and many of them have either been published or presented at conferences.

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