The occlusion of the upper teeth with the lower can give stability to the neuro-musculo-skeletal system of the mouth when enough pairs of teeth occlude. Things are much more difficult if there is damage caused by medical intervention.

A male patient of 65 years old was admitted to our clinic to improve his masticatory function and aesthetics. The restorations that he already had resulted in a slightly protruded position of the lower jaw. The diagnosis was that a false class III malocclusion needed to be treated.
- The treatment plan included surgical crown lengthening of the upper and lower teeth and the setting of new anterior incisal guidance, a new occlusal plane, as well as a new placement of the restoration in the horizontal plane.
- Through the protocol of diagnostic waxing and construction of transitional restoration which had been evaluated for aesthetics, function and speech, we managed to correct the false class III malocclusion and to produce functional anterior guidance.
- Occlusional stability was completed by placing four implants in posterior areas.
The completed restoration gave great satisfaction and confidence to the patient.
The canine protected occlusion in eccentric movements suggests a harmonious stomatognathic system.