A beautiful smile has a positive psychological impact and effect on self-confidence, as well as socially and professionally enhancing the individual.
In dental practice, a beautiful smile is part of a many faceted treatment plan, which has, as a primary aim, a completely healthy oral system.

A female, 49 years of age, was admitted to our clinic complaining of poor aesthetics concerning the smile. Old crowns with exposed metal, as well as their shape, contributed to a disappointing smile.
However, the fundamental problem of the patient was her ‘gummy’ smile. The size of gum exposure was more than 5 mm. Noteworthy the discrepancy between the incisal line and, the occlusal plane, the abrasion of the lower anterior teeth and broken teeth.
- The mock-up indicated that a new topography of gums and teeth needed to be carried out.
- Diagnostic waxing worked as a guide for the exact arrangement of the gums.
- A precise transfer of measurements from the cast to the mouth was carried out along with crown lengthening in many of the teeth.
Integrated prosthetic treatment with ceramic crowns in the upper jaw and porcelain veneers on the anterior teeth of the lower jaw gave great satisfaction and confidence to the patient.
The canine protected occlusion in eccentric movements suggests a harmonious stomatognathic system.
A night splint was provided to protect the prostheses because the patient had a history of bruxism.